Zivilgesellschaftliche Verantwortungsübernahme für gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt vor Ort [Enhancing societal cohesion by civil society assuming on-site responsibility]
civic engagement, citizens' initiatives, civil society, spatial development, responsibility, cohesion, interviews, qualitative research
civic engagement, citizens' initiatives, civil society, spatial development, responsibility, cohesion, interviews, qualitative research
Data Type:
german; english
german; english
The project examines citizens' place-based engagement and considers these activities as a contribution to civil societies’ assumption of responsibility. The aim is to understand cohesion within its embeddedness in different socio-spatial framework conditions.
The project’s background is formed by current ecological, economic, and social crises that affect society as a whole and whose consequences are reflected in new negotiation processes. In particular, responsibilities and competencies are being renegotiated and attributed between the state, the market, and civil society. While state responsibility is maintained or expanded in some regulatory areas, citizens are addressed as more responsible in others. Relevant examples encompass activities in citizens’ immediate living environment, which unbureaucratically contribute to socio-spatial development, e.g. providing everyday support, and participating in processes to design, shape and create their surroundings.
Thus, a renewed and crucial relevance is ascribed to the assumption of responsibility by civil society – defined as the provision of voluntary, unpaid, and common good-oriented activities. Consequently, citizens’ contributions are encouraged by several incentives and impulses.
Using this as starting point, the study referred to interviews with engaged citizens from German study areas, which differ in terms of essential spatial characteristics. In contrast, interviews from international data collections in Albania, Greece, and Northern Macedonia were analysed.
Finally, i) linkages between social and spatial framework conditions, the assumption of responsibility (on a local level), and cohesion are to be reconstructed. In practice, this knowledge can ii) provide a range of innovative options for action to stakeholders in politics and spatial planning.
The project examines citizens' place-based engagement and considers these activities as a contribution to civil societies’ assumption of responsibility. The aim is to understand cohesion within its embeddedness in different socio-spatial framework conditions.
The project’s background is formed by current ecological, economic, and social crises that affect society as a whole and whose consequences are reflected in new negotiation processes. In particular, responsibilities and competencies are being renegotiated and attributed between the state, the market, and civil society. While state responsibility is maintained or expanded in some regulatory areas, citizens are addressed as more responsible in others. Relevant examples encompass activities in citizens’ immediate living environment, which unbureaucratically contribute to socio-spatial development, e.g. providing everyday support, and participating in processes to design, shape and create their surroundings.
Thus, a renewed and crucial relevance is ascribed to the assumption of responsibility by civil society – defined as the provision of voluntary, unpaid, and common good-oriented activities. Consequently, citizens’ contributions are encouraged by several incentives and impulses.
Using this as starting point, the study referred to interviews with engaged citizens from German study areas, which differ in terms of essential spatial characteristics. In contrast, interviews from international data collections in Albania, Greece, and Northern Macedonia were analysed.
Finally, i) linkages between social and spatial framework conditions, the assumption of responsibility (on a local level), and cohesion are to be reconstructed. In practice, this knowledge can ii) provide a range of innovative options for action to stakeholders in politics and spatial planning.
Baier, Jessica; Knaps, Falco; Othengrafen, Frank
Baier, Jessica; Knaps, Falco; Othengrafen, Frank
Funding Institution:
Temporal Coverage:
8/2021 - 3/2023
8/2021 - 3/2023
Time Dimension:
cross-sectional study
cross-sectional study
Sampled Universe:
volunteering citizens from a total of four different study areas in Germany (as well as from Northern Macedonia, Albania and Greece)
volunteering citizens from a total of four different study areas in Germany (as well as from Northern Macedonia, Albania and Greece)
theoretical sampling; snowball sampling
theoretical sampling; snowball sampling
Collection Mode:
personal interview, online interview
personal interview, online interview
Geograhic Coverage:
Hannover; Leipzig; Mulda; Beckum
Hannover; Leipzig; Mulda; Beckum
Resource Type:
audiofiles, transcripts, videofiles
audiofiles, transcripts, videofiles
limited access due to general data protection regulation of the EU; little consent from the interviewpartners to share the data for secondary use
limited access due to general data protection regulation of the EU; little consent from the interviewpartners to share the data for secondary use
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Related Publications:
Baier, J., Knaps, F., and Herrmann, S. (2023) 'Co-Producing urban neighborhoods: (Non-)Collaboration between Citizens Initiatives and Municipalities in Germany' in Othengrafen, F., Herrmann, S., Pencic, D., and Lazarevski, S. (ed.) Social Cohesion and Resilience through Citizen Engagement: A Place-based Approach. Northhampton / Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Baier, J., Herrmann, S., Knaps, F., and Othengrafen, F. (2023) 'Zur räumlichen Spezifik zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagements: Eine Kontrastierung subjektiver Sichtweisen engagierter Bürger*innen aus deutschen und internationalen Fallstudien' in Groh-Samberg, O., and Vogel, B. (ed.) Die Aufgabe des Zusammenhalts. FGZ-Cluster 2-Sammelband, im Erscheinen.
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