Zusammenhalt in und durch Nachbarschaften – Stadtteilstudien und Regionalpanel NRW und Niedersachsen [Cohesion in and through neighbourhoods - neighbourhood studies and regional panel NRW and Lower Saxony]

Creator (PIs):
Dirksmeier, Peter; Göb, Angelina
neighbourhood, urban places, place-based cohesion, belonging, social cohesion, panel study, quantitative research, interviews, qualitative research
Data Type:
The project examines the socio-spatial entity of urban neighbourhoods, focussing on local similarities and differences. In our research we address the following questions: How does social cohesion emerge in marginalised neighbourhoods and which (con)figurations can be found in different contexts due to their location, historical development, building structure and institutional structures? Which factors lead to place-based cohesion being promoted or prevented on a micro scale?
The research topics raised are part of a regional comparative neighbourhood analysis in cooperation with the section Bielefeld. The survey is based on a mixed-methods approach and combines quantitative data from the regional panel with qualitative-ethnographic survey methods. It is shown, both statistically and reconstructively, that neighbourhoods as multidimensional centres of cohesion display a (con)figuration of social cohesion that is to be characterised as place-based and tied to neighbourhood norms such as reciprocity in terms of help. Neighbourly attitudes and actions are not necessarily congruent, but they enable mutual expectation in neutral coexistence in the neighbourhood.
Dirksmeier, Peter; Göb, Angelina
Funding Institution:
Temporal Coverage:
5/2021 - 11/2021
Time Dimension:
cross-sectional study
Sampled Universe:
Residents and local actors (experts) from two neighbourhoods in Hannover, Germany
theoretical sampling; snowball sampling; targeted selection
Collection Mode:
personal interview, online interview
Geograhic Coverage:
Hannover (Linden-Süd; Sahlkamp)
Resource Type:
audiofiles, transcripts, gps-tracks
no open access due to general data protection regulation of the EU (DSGVO)
Leibniz Universität Hannover LUH
Related Publications:
Dirksmeier, P., Sackmann, R., Rees, J. H. and Vogel, B. (2023) 'Gleich und gleich gesellt sich gern“: Lokalen gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt verstehend erklären' in Sackmann, R., Dirksmeier, P., Rees, J. and Vogel, B. (ed.) Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, forthcoming.
Göb, A. (2023) 'Was hält uns zusammen? Das Regionalpanel als Ausgangspunkt einer Krisen- und Selbstbestimmung' in Sackmann, R., Dirksmeier, P., Rees, J. and Vogel, B. (ed.) Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, forthcoming.
Göb, A. and Dirksmeier, P. (2023) 'Zentren des Zusammenhalts: urbane Nachbarschaften als Kohäsionskapital ' in Sackmann, R., Dirksmeier, P., Rees, J. and Vogel, B. (ed.) Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen. Frankfurt/Main: Campus, forthcoming.

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