Zusammenhalt und Ressentiment in Krisenzeiten: Erinnerungen an die Wende- und Nachwende-Zeit im Ost-West-Vergleich [Cohesion and Resentment in Times of Crisis: Memories of the Wende 1989 and the post-’89 period in an East-West comparison]

Creator (PIs):
Axster, Felix; Berek, Mathias
memory, cohesion, interviews, protest, qualitative research, transformation, 1990s, solidarity, self-efficacy, ressentiment
Data Type:
Biographical testimonies about the Wende 1989 and the post-’89 period are caught between experiences of self-empowerment and successful struggles to change society, experiences of de-solidarisation and helplessness in the face of often self-chosen powers, as well as rampant nationalism and racism.

In connection with the transfer project BER_T_01, the research project builds on collected memories of transformation. They will be examined for ideas of cohesion as well as for the relations between the experience of crisis and the emergence of resentment: Which narratives of cohesion or its erosion determine the memory of the Wende 1989 and the decade following it? What forms of inclusion and exclusion can be seen in these narratives? The design of the project as an East-West comparison is intended to make visible the commonalities and differences of the perspectives.

The focus of the project is on four groups whose memories can be considered as marginalized: activists of the social struggles against East Germany’s deindustrialisation, left-leaning people, Jews as well as former contract workers. The project investigates the long-term effects of the 1990s: How do those who remember the transformations of the 1990s and their struggles in it refer these memories to today’s society and politics? How do the actors of that time situate themselves in today's Germany or in the globalised world?
Yacine, Mira; Wilson, Joseph; Gäbelein, Tanja; Mildenberger, Helene; Becker, Albrecht
Funding Institution:
Temporal Coverage:
10/2019 - 10/2023
Time Dimension:
Sampled Universe:
targeted groups
theoretical sampling; snowball sampling; targeted selection
Collection Mode:
Geograhic Coverage:
Germany; Berlin; Saxony; Thuringia; Hamburg; Saxony-Anhalt
Resource Type:
audiofiles, transcripts
limited access: scientific use
RDC Qualiservice
Related Publications:
Berek, M. (2021) 'Zusammenhalt, Ressentiment und Solidarität in biographischen Erzählungen über die Nachwendezeit', in Blättel-Mink, B. (ed.) Gesellschaft unter Spannung. Verhandlungen des 40. Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie 2020.
Axster, F., Berek, M. and Schüler-Springorum, S. (2020) 'Verschenkte Potenziale. Marginalisierte Ideen über gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt im Kaiserreich und in der Nachwendezeit' in Deitelhoff, N., Groh-Samberg, O. and Middell, M. (eds.) Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. Ein Interdisziplinärer Dialog. Frankfurt / New York: Campus, pp. 152-173.
Axster, F. and Berek, M. (2020) 'Zwischen Postnazismus und Post-Migration: Jüdische Perspektiven auf die Wende- und Nachwendezeit. Gespräche mit Max Czollek, Dmitrij Kapitelman, David Kowalski und Hannah Peaceman' in: Lierke, L. and Perinelli, M. (eds.) Erinnern stören. Der Mauerfall aus migrantischer und jüdischer Perspektive, Berlin: Verbrecher Verlag, pp. 33-67.

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