Dokumentationen zu FGZ-Studiendaten
Publications using this data file should refer to the above DOI and cite the following reference:
Gerlitz, Jean-Yves, Julian B. Axenfeld, Carina Cornesse, Olaf Groh-Samberg, Martin Kroh, Holger Lengfeld, Stefan Liebig, Lara Minkus, Jost Reinecke, David Richter, Nils Teichler, Richard Traunmüller, and Sabine Zinn. 2024. “The German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP): Theoretical Background, Instruments, Survey Design, and Analytical Potential.” OSF Preprints. August 6. doi:10.31219/"
Gerlitz et al 2024_The German Social Cohesion Panel - Data Brief.pdf
Codebook P: Variables from the Individual Questionnaire Modules (en)
Codebook P: Variables from the Individual Questionnaire Modules (de)
Codebook H: Variables from the Household Questionnaire Modules (en)
Codebook H: Variables from the Household Questionnaire Modules (de)
Codebook PGEN: Person-related Status and Generated Variables (en)
Codebook PGEN: Person-related Status and Generated Variables (de)
Codebook HGEN: Household-related Status and Generated Variables (en)
Codebook HGEN: Household-related Status and Generated Variables (de)
Codebook PHRF: Weights for Persons (en)
Codebook PHRF: Weights for Persons (de)
Codebook HHRF: Weights for Households (en)
Codebook HHRF: Weights for Households (de)
Codebook PPATH: Person-related Meta-Dataset (en)
Codebook PPATH: Person-related Meta-Dataset (de)
Codebook PBRUTTO: Person-related Gross File (en)
Codebook PBRUTTO: Person-related Gross File (de)
Sackmann, Reinhold; Rees, Jonas; Hartl, Jakob, 2024: Methodische Grundlagen des Regionalpanels. In: Reinhold Sackmann, Peter Dirksmeier, Jonas Rees, Berthold Vogel (Hgs.), Sozialer Zusammenhalt vor Ort. Analysen regionaler Mechanismen, Frankfurt a.M./New York: Campus, S. 21 – 36.