German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP)
SCP 2021_1 (Anchor)
social cohesion, polarization, fragmentation, conflict, inequality, social network, attitude, socioeconomic position, coexistence
social cohesion, polarization, fragmentation, conflict, inequality, social network, attitude, socioeconomic position, coexistence
Data Type:
German; English
German; English
The Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) are conducting a panel study as part of their research cooperation. This involves surveying individuals in their household contexts in Germany on the topic of social cohesion. The "German Social Cohesion Panel 2021 - Anchor Persons" dataset is the first Scientific Use File (SUF) of this longitudinal study and includes initial survey data and generated indicators of household anchor persons drawn from population registers and subsequently interviewed. Future datasets will be expanded to include household information and survey data of adult household members.
The Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) and the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) are conducting a panel study as part of their research cooperation. This involves surveying individuals in their household contexts in Germany on the topic of social cohesion. The "German Social Cohesion Panel 2021 - Anchor Persons" dataset is the first Scientific Use File (SUF) of this longitudinal study and includes initial survey data and generated indicators of household anchor persons drawn from population registers and subsequently interviewed. Future datasets will be expanded to include household information and survey data of adult household members.
Adams, Cosima; Gerike, Martin; Kuhrmeier, Josefine; Müller, Anna-Tabea; Nissen, Eric; Nolte, Jakob; Steinert, Manuel; Teichler, Nils; Wenzig, Knut (Project Members); infas (Data Collector)
Adams, Cosima; Gerike, Martin; Kuhrmeier, Josefine; Müller, Anna-Tabea; Nissen, Eric; Nolte, Jakob; Steinert, Manuel; Teichler, Nils; Wenzig, Knut (Project Members); infas (Data Collector)
Funding Institution:
Temporal Coverage:
9/2021 - 4/2022
9/2021 - 4/2022
Time Dimension:
Panel study
Panel study
Sampled Universe:
Private households in Germany
Private households in Germany
Two-staged probability sampling
Two-staged probability sampling
Collection Mode:
paper-pencil questionnaire, online questionnaire
paper-pencil questionnaire, online questionnaire
Geograhic Coverage:
Resource Type:
STATA File, SPSS File, SAS File, ASCII File
STATA File, SPSS File, SAS File, ASCII File
Available for all post-doctoral researchers affiliated at a scientific institution (primary users); primary users may share the data with researchers under their supervision (secondary users)
Available for all post-doctoral researchers affiliated at a scientific institution (primary users); primary users may share the data with researchers under their supervision (secondary users)
Zugehörige Publikationen:
Task Force FGZ-Datenzentrum (2022) Gefährdeter Zusammenhalt? Polarisierungs-und Spaltungstendenzen in Deutschland. Bremen: SOCIUM, Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. doi:10.26092/elib/1739
Steinwede, A., Kemmerling, J., von der Burg, K. Kleudgen, M. and Aust, N. (infas) (2023) SCP 2021 - Supplement: Methodenbericht German Social Cohesion Panel - 1. Erhebungswelle 2021. German Social Cohesion Panel 2021. Bremen and Berlin: RDC-RISC/SOCIUM, SOEP/DIW Berlin.
Teichler, N., Gerlitz, J., Cornesse, C., Dilger, C., Groh-Samberg, O., Lengfeld, H., Nissen, E., Reinecke, J., Skolarski, S., Traunmüller, R. and Verneuer-Emre, L. (2023) Entkoppelte Lebenswelten? Soziale Beziehungen und gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt in Deutschland - Erster Zusammenhaltsbericht des FGZ
Bremen: SOCIUM, Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt. doi:10.26092/elib/2517
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