Qualitatives Panel: Milieuspezifische Praktiken der Gefährdung und Wahrung gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalts [Qualitative Panel: Milieu-specific practices of threatening and maintaining social cohesion]
First wave of qualitative interview study
inequality, interviews, cohesion, practices, qualitative research, conduct of life, networks, milieus, status groups
inequality, interviews, cohesion, practices, qualitative research, conduct of life, networks, milieus, status groups
Data Type:
The project establishes a qualitative panel of 90 interviews in five selected regions of Germany. The sample includes different occupational status groups and social milieus. By including socio-structural positioning and the associated modes of living, differences and homologies between milieus can be traced. In the first wave we conducted biographical narrative interviews. Following research questions guide our study: What explicit or implicit attitudes toward social cohesion are different milieus oriented towards in their lifestyle practices? In which relationships and networks and in which institutional contexts do the conducts of life take place? Which practices of lifestyle, either one's own or observed in others, result from these personal perceptions and social contexts? Which practices can have a threatening or strengthening effect on social cohesion? How is this perceived and how is it reacted to?
Snowball; purposive, multilevel case selection: first level five regions according to the Thünen Institute's spatial index, second level households (single, couple, family, others like shared apartment, homeless), third level household members
The project establishes a qualitative panel of 90 interviews in five selected regions of Germany. The sample includes different occupational status groups and social milieus. By including socio-structural positioning and the associated modes of living, differences and homologies between milieus can be traced. In the first wave we conducted biographical narrative interviews. Following research questions guide our study: What explicit or implicit attitudes toward social cohesion are different milieus oriented towards in their lifestyle practices? In which relationships and networks and in which institutional contexts do the conducts of life take place? Which practices of lifestyle, either one's own or observed in others, result from these personal perceptions and social contexts? Which practices can have a threatening or strengthening effect on social cohesion? How is this perceived and how is it reacted to?
Snowball; purposive, multilevel case selection: first level five regions according to the Thünen Institute's spatial index, second level households (single, couple, family, others like shared apartment, homeless), third level household members
Hense, Andrea; Koevel, Arne; Holubek-Schaum, Stefan; Schmidt, Adreas-David; Kaufhold, Ina
Hense, Andrea; Koevel, Arne; Holubek-Schaum, Stefan; Schmidt, Adreas-David; Kaufhold, Ina
Funding Institution:
Temporal Coverage:
4/2021 - 4/2022
4/2021 - 4/2022
Time Dimension:
Panel (approx. every 2 years)
Panel (approx. every 2 years)
Sampled Universe:
Adult resident population in Germany, heterogeneous in terms of status groups, professions, forms of employment, living arrangements, age, gender, social background, experience with migration
Adult resident population in Germany, heterogeneous in terms of status groups, professions, forms of employment, living arrangements, age, gender, social background, experience with migration
purposive multilevel case selection, snowball
purposive multilevel case selection, snowball
Collection Mode:
f2f, telephone interview, online interview, biographical narrative interview, questionnaire on social statistics
f2f, telephone interview, online interview, biographical narrative interview, questionnaire on social statistics
Geograhic Coverage:
Five regions in Germany acc. to the Thünen Institute's spatial index: urban/rural, east/west, economically strong/weak
Five regions in Germany acc. to the Thünen Institute's spatial index: urban/rural, east/west, economically strong/weak
Resource Type:
audiofiles: MP3, WAV, transcripts: docx, RTF, social statistics, interview protocol
audiofiles: MP3, WAV, transcripts: docx, RTF, social statistics, interview protocol
limited access to anonymized data from 2024 via Qualiservice Bremen
limited access to anonymized data from 2024 via Qualiservice Bremen
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